Circles by Samsung
Home automation system by Samsung
Jieon Choi personal project-2024.
This Project is not associated with Samsung or any other entities shown on this page
Spring 2023
Individual project
Tech Research
Problem Solving
Smart Home
IoT Device
Modular Appliance


Design TL; DR
Circles are a set of modules designed to be configured by users to best fit their needs
The motorized base moves different modules around your home playing movie, music or cleaning air.
4K Projector
Mobility Module
Ambient Light
7.1 Virtual Speaker
Collision Sensor
Keeping up with trends is crucial for identifying the initial opportunity.
I keep up to date with tech trends with a passion that helps me to have a better sense of future opportunities, feasibility, and, decision making.
Here are the key tech trends I identified for the project.
Identify the opportunity
Design Story

Air Purifier

Cinema Configuration
Clean Air Configuration
Chose your modules
Robot vacuum cleaners and smart speakers have slowly introduced us to the concept of smart home, or home automation. We all know how dishwashers and washing machines have changed the fundamentals of modern life.
Now let's imagine a future where your home is not just a home, but your office, your theater, your restaurant, and most importantly a place you feel most comfortable. A good set of home automation robots might be all you need.

Let's automate our home
Electrolux Group
People are already used to many home automation services. Including robot vacuums, smart assistants, and smart thermostats. What could be the logical step forward after this?

Everything great starts from home, but how can we make home great?

Design & Features
Charging system

Mobility module can self navigate to charging dock when battery is running low

Aesthetic aim
Sketch ideation

It all started with rethinking the forms of robot vacuums

3D ideation
Feature ideation

Ideation on forms and features
After quick 3D mockup, I decided on the idea of multi purpose mobile robot platform for home
Modular design
Certain modules can be used individually with additional accesorries

With the Projector dock, you can bring Circles outdoors